For being selected to the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse WebRingof the awards below to your site if you wish. To be eligible for these awards you must have a website that has been approved for membership in this ring.
Right click & save the gif, then upload to your server.
Please link it to ~
<a href=""><img src="FTAWARD.GIF" alt="MFTHWR Award" width="311" height="44" border="1"></a>
Right click & save the gif, then upload to your server.
Please link it to ~
<a href=""><img src="ringward2.gif" alt="MFTHWR Award" width="131" height="192" border="0"></a>
Right click & save the jpg, then upload to your server.
Please link it to ~
<a href=""><img src="ringward.jpg" alt="Foxtrot Ring Award" width="180" height="214" border="0"></a>