I am looking for more snowball sabinos to put here to show as examples--
if you have a photo of one that you would like to add to this page, please email J. Piercy. Note: all of the horses below are Paints unless noted

Dakota's White Gold as a Two-Year Old
Pure white sabino overo stallion owned by Spic Lesperance of Cedar Pines Ranch. Casper is standing at stud and because of his pure white expression of sabino, he should produce 85% colored babies on solid mares! Believe it or not, this snowball is homozygous for BLACK! Therefore, he will never sire a chestnut. His first foal was a beautiful black minimal sabino filly with a small spot on her belly and flecks of color on her flanks.

Dakota's White Gold as a Baby
Pure white sabino overo stallion owned by Spic Lesperance.

Strawberry roan sabino overo stallion standing at stud by owner Norm Rice. This stallion has color on his ears, chest, tail base, a small spot on his right abdomen, a few little streaks of color on his left abdomen, and a very small amount of streaked color on his back near his neck and has a light red mane and tail.

DWF Versas China Star
Pure white sabino overo filly owned by Dream Weaver Farm. This beauty is for sale! If interested, please email Jud & Sherrie Titsworth.

Dude's Dandy
Sorrel sabino overo stallion owned by Miller Paints of Fairview, MT. This stallion is not pure white but very close. His coat is almost entirely white but you can see a faint pattern on his skin through the hair. He is surely an amazing transformation when he's all wet! Dude's Dandy is standing at stud and will produce a very high percentage of spotted babies. Please email Darnell E. Miller for more information.

Dude's Dandy
Here are a couple more photos to see of this neat stallion.

Scenic Jetalito
Strawberry roan sabino overo stallion (deceased), owned by the Johanningmeiers of Monona, IA. This stallion had red on his forhead and ears but after he matured the pigment faded and was nearly invisible. This horse sired 253 foals with 84% being colored!

Mariah's Peachy Girl
Strawberry roan sabino overo filly by Scenic Jetalito

Scenic Blondys Jet
Strawberry roan sabino overo stallion, son of Scenic Jetalito and owned by the Gardner & Lynn Grey. This stallion is for sale. If interested, please write to PO Box 153, Pringle, SD 57773 (605) 673-3730

Polar Ice
Black sabino overo stallion, son of Scenic Jetalito and owned by Larry and Sonia Folkner of White Eye Ranch, RR #4, Box 265, Madison, IN 47250 (812) 839-6625. There is just a bit of color on this stallion's ears.

Pretty Obvious
Strawberry roan sabino overo filly owned by Wood's Paint Shop, Ada, OK. This filly has some color around her ears and forhead but is otherwise snowy white.

Zippos San Bar
Strawberry roan sabino overo stallion owned by Roger and Vicki DeWitt of Painted Prairie in Gillespie, IL. This stallion has some color along the backbone up to the ears and it looks like, as a foal, this stallion had much more apparent roaning on its shoulders and flanks; however, as it's been maturing, most of the colored hairs have been replaced with white hairs.

Medicine Dog
(By C-Notes Sawbuck) Strawberry roan sabino overo stallion previously owned by Kenneth Campbell of Campbell Stables, Aubrey TX. This stallion has some color along the backbone up to the ears.

Isn't She Special
Pure white sabino overo filly owned by unknown. I don't know the breeding of this filly so she could also be a tovero

Red dun sabino overo filly owned by Mackenzie Meadows. Although the photo doesn't show it, Lily has dun markings on her chest, legs, over her back and hip, as well as on her ears.

Seven S Bandit
(Seven S Baldy [AQHA] x Dolly Jo [sabino]) Grulla overo sabino overo stallion (probably deceased), owned by Sybil Gross of Dallas, TX. This stallion sports a colored topknot and pigmented skin on his chest; he's otherwise snowy white.

This stallion could be a tovero or a pure white sabino--no identifying information was given. He is for sale by Neoga Farms of Ada, MI. You may contact them by email.

Outshines the Moon
Strawberry roan sabino mare owned by Aime Frank and Elizabeth Real of Real Ranch, Kerrville, TX. This mare has just a few chestnut hairs around her ears and forehead.

Pusher's Cocktail
Pure white sabino overo Tennessee Walking Horse gelding for sale through Firesong Horse Connection

Pusher's Silver Image
Pure white sabino overo Tennessee Walking Horse stallion owned by Cedar Tree Farms

Chief Wahoo
Strawberry roan sabino Tennessee Walking Horse stallion offered for sale by Walnut Hill Stables of Salem, OH

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